~ Cleanse ~

Brooklyn Herborium facial cleansers were created to provide products based on nature that support natural skin function. Commercial cleansers, in particular, tend to be overly-harsh and overly-used. All of our methods of cleansing are designed to be used in a way that gives the skin what it needs and then allows it to continue the process on its own.

Our particular method focuses on three points

1. Support the Microbiome

All of our cleansers promote a pH and topical terrain that encourages the good bacteria to stay, while it manages the malicious organisms that lead to pimples and pus bumps and inflammation. (oh my) 

2. Aid in Oil/Water Balance

Rather than controlling the skin, putting you on a teeter-totter of “drying it out, then oiling it up” both morning and night, cleansing before bed with a gentle, properly balanced cleanser (such as this Vita-C Nightly Cleanser) within our recommended regimen teaches your skin to find its own balance so that you can step off the control cycle. Many people think topical oil/water imbalance is a problem that comes from having combination skin, but we look at as a symptom of impaired Barrier Function. 

3. Allow for Proper Tissue Development

The anti-inflammatory properties of plants in their natural state calm the skin just enough to bring relief without suppressing the body’s immune mechanisms. These same plants can simultaneously acts as catalyst for skin cell regeneration, allowing for a level of healing that most cleansers cannot.